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The incredible disease-busting powers of Herbs and Spices

I always used to think of herbs and spices as just tasty, fragrant, pretty additions to meals and nothing more.  I mean, how could a little ground up powder be anything that special?  Much to my pleasant surprise, I’ve come to learn that herbs and spices are actually some of the most powerful tools in our health arsenal!  

Herbs and spices are HUGE sources of antioxidants which valiantly protect your cells from dangerous free radicals, busting the potential for disease with each delicious bite!  

Here’s a look at the health benefits of some of my favorites that I try to incorporate into my meals daily -

GARLIC - Garlic boosts the immune system, protects against numerous cancers, reduces blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, acts as a natural antibiotic, has antiviral and antifungal properties, helps protect the brain, protects against oxidative damage leading to signs of aging, and more.  Thank goodness garlic is so easy to incorporate into most dinner recipes.  I’m sure we all can agree that with garlic, health has never tasted so good!

GINGER - Ginger helps with digestion and reduces nausea/indigestion, is anti-inflammatory, supports the immune system and helps fight off infections, can help prevent/stop cancer, protects the brain, supports heart health, reduces diabetes risk, protects the joints, and more.  Ginger has a reputation for being a “wintertime” spice, but it definitely can and should be enjoyed all year long in a variety of recipes and teas.

CINNAMON - Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, slows the aging process, lowers blood sugar levels, has antimicrobial properties, protects the brain and heart, is anti-inflammatory, lowers bad cholesterol, fights viruses and infections, can help with PMS, helps with dental and skin health, and more.  I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who doesn’t like the naturally sweet flavor of cinnamon.  Fortunately that means many of us are probably already consuming it and receiving it’s vast benefits.  

CLOVES - Cloves protect against cancer, kill bacteria, support bone health, reduce signs of aging, can help balance blood sugar, support dental health, have antiviral properties, can even boost metabolism, and more.  This crazy powerful spice has a super strong flavor, but fortunately because it’s so jam-packed with antioxidants, a little bit goes a long way!  

TURMERIC - Turmeric’s bright orange color is a tell-tale sign that it’s bursting with disease fighting power.  It is a natural inflammation reducer, can prevent or halt cancer progression, keeps blood sugar levels normal, fights off viruses, eases PMS, protects the brain, and, because of it’s incredible anti-inflammatory power is a natural tool for those of us with autoimmune digestive diseases and IBS.  It may even help with depression among other things.  For those not used to it’s strong flavor, it’s more of an acquired taste on it’s own, but I’ve learned to like it a whole lot, especially as part of an antioxidant packed curry!  Fresh turmeric (it’s a root that you can peel and grate much like a ginger root) has a much milder flavor than powdered if that’s your preference.  Eat turmeric with black pepper as this helps with the absorption of curcumin, the ingredient in turmeric that is credited with giving all of the benefits.

WOW... talk about nature’s medicine - both preventative and healing!  Really makes one think about how much the need for toxic prescription medications could be reduced if only we would make a habit out of using what nature has already provided for us, doesn’t it? 

This list is just my favorites, but all herbs and spices, whether dried or fresh, have astonishing benefits.  A simple google search of whatever spice/herb you are curious about will no doubt show similar results.  

I truly hope that you are inspired to make a habit out of incorporating these disease-busting gifts, starting with your next meal!  

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